Things to notice:
Enjoy the bloom of your roses before soaring summer temperatures set in. To bring cut roses indoors, water well the night before and cut early in the morning for longevity and maximum freshness. Climbing Lady Banks roses are in their full glory this month!

Strong May winds often bring allergies. While modern medicine has produced countless cures for seasonal allergies, many people swear that natural remedies are just as effective. Many claim a daily easpoon of raw local honey is a great alternative for treating hay fever. Clinical trials on the herbs Goldenseal and Butterbur have also been very promising.

Colorful flowers and herbs will attract butterflies to your garden. When you see them visit, consider a spot for “puddling”, so they can drink water and extract minerals. Make a puddle by placing a shallow pan filled with damp sand in the garden. Be sure to keep it moist.

Apricot tree, Prunus armeniaca
“A weed is a plant that has mastered every survival skill except for learning how to grow in rows.” –Doug Larson
Things to do:
Time to begin enjoying the fruits of your labors! Apricots ripen on trees, followed by the first crop of figs, then plums, peaches and nectarines.

Check for skeletonizer caterpillars on your grapes–look on the undersides of leaves. Remove any infested leaves to keep them under control. Be sure to wear gloves to prevent getting stinging welts from spines on the caterpillars.

Add a little nightlife to your garden by growing four-o’clocks. These sweetly scented flowers are open from late afternoon through the wee hours of the morning.

As the desert heat kicks in, pay close attention to watering. Even though temperatures are rising, too much water can harm plants as much as too little water.