Things to notice:
Enjoy traditional fall favorites in the garden like mums, zinnias and dahlias.

Monarch butterflies are migrating south this month. Planting alyssum, lantana, and milkweed in your garden will help them refuel with nectar.

Roses are back in bloom, filling the autumn air with wonderful fragrance! If you let the blossoms ripen, they’ll form rose hips, which are full of vitamin C and
can be used in making tea.

Resist the urge to deadhead bushes and flowers right now—allow plants to set seeds and fruit for wildlife.

Chile Peppers, Assorted varieties
“If you’ve never experienced the joy of accomplishing more than you can imagine, plant a garden.” — Robert Brault
Things to do:
When high temperatures stay below 100° reduce your watering to harden off plants for winter. This limits tender new growth and helps reduce frost damage when colder temperatures arrive.

Pick pistachios and begin to harvest chiles, pumpkins and winter squash.

You can still plant a late crop of leaf lettuces, spinach and radishes.

October is a perfect time to plant garlic. In lower desert elevations, plant individual cloves 1-2” deep. At high elevations with more severe winters, plant 3-4” deep.